We do not require any sort of donation in order for us to consider poems for publication. However, for those who are able to make a small donation, we appreciate the help this provides toward the expenses of producing a literary magazine. If you want to donate, go to the other ($5 donation) portal. No worries if this is not something you can do at this time.
What we like: We enjoy poetry that is well-crafted,  uses language with a strong awareness of meaning and sound, and contains  evocative images and a strong sense of voice.   
What to send:

  • Send  up to three (3) previously unpublished poems on no more than four (4)  pages in a single Word or pdf document, starting each poem on a separate  page. Poems posted on social media or on personal blogs are considered  previously published.
  • We prefer Times New Roman font, 12 points, and left-aligned, unless formatting is part of the poem.
  • Include a brief third-person bio of no more than 75 words in the cover letter section of the submission form.
  • We  accept simultaneous submissions. However, we do ask that you notify us  immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. To withdraw part of your  submission, contact us via the Messages function on Submittable. If you  withdraw using the Withdraw button on Submittable, we will consider  your entire submission withdrawn.
  • Please submit only once during each reading period. Additional submissions in the same submission period will not be read.
  • We do not accept work that was created entirely or partially with AI software. 

Rights: We request First North American Serial Rights; all rights revert to the author upon publication.   Submission to the Connecticut River Review indicates your agreement to the terms of Rights and Payment as described in these guidelines.
Upon publication: You will receive as payment one copy of the journal in which your work is published.


While we do not require a donation in order to consider poems for publication, a small donation helps with the expenses of producing our literary magazine, and we very much appreciate those who can contribute!
What we like: We enjoy poetry that is well-crafted, uses language with a strong awareness of meaning and sound, and contains  evocative images and a strong sense of voice.   
What to send:

  • Send  up to three (3) previously unpublished poems on no more than four (4)  pages in a single Word or pdf document, starting each poem on a separate  page. Poems posted on social media or on personal blogs are considered  previously published.
  • We prefer Times New Roman font, 12 points, and left-aligned, unless formatting is part of the poem.
  • Include a brief third-person bio of no more than 75 words in the cover letter section of the submission form.
  • We  accept simultaneous submissions. However, we do ask that you notify us  immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. To withdraw part of your  submission, contact us via the Messages function on Submittable. If you  withdraw using the Withdraw button on Submittable, we will consider  your entire submission withdrawn.
  • Please submit only once during each reading period. Additional submissions in the same submission period will not be read.
  • We do not accept work that was created entirely or partially with AI software.

Rights: We request First North American Serial Rights; all rights revert to the author upon publication.   Submission to the Connecticut River Review indicates your agreement to the terms of Rights and Payment as described in these guidelines.
Upon publication: You will receive as payment one copy of the journal in which your work is published.

Connecticut River Review